Newsletter – October 7th

Hello 2nd grade parents!

I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend!  I know I sure have!  We had a wonderful week with lots of fun learning.

Please make sure you’ve looked in your child’s Friday folder.  There is a lot of completed work.  Also, please look out for an email from Ms. Hollis about an upcoming field trip form for a field trip to the Natural History Museum on Tuesday, November 12th.  In my next sign up, I will have volunteer sign ups available.  Again, we will be needing Driver/Chaperones.  When you sign up, please let me know how many children you can take in your car.

In Math we finished up Unit 1 by taking our assessment this past Friday.  It is evident that many of the kiddos still need consistent practice on facts up to 20.  This will help them throughout the year.  Knowing those by heart, will help them on more difficult problems that will be upcoming with double digit addition and subtraction.

In writing, we are working on Personal Narratives, adding details, working on sentence structure, and thinking about spelling of our need to know words for second grade.  Once we finish this unit, they will have chosen one of their stories to publish and present to the class.  I’m excited to hear their choices.

In Social Studies we are continuing to study Democracy and Government.  Please continue to discuss with your children the importance of “responsibilities” of the “citizens” of our state and country.  This will reinforce what they are learning in class.

In Science we are still working in the Materials Unit.  We are going to do some more Property investigations, which are so much fun, discussing different properties of different materials and how we use them to benefit us with the things we create and use on a daily basis in our own lives.  In our science center, the adventurers are still making Fall mobiles that encourage them to use different materials to make a hanging mobile that will balance with different items dangling from it.  The next investigation, they will have to try to create spider webs that are strong and won’t break.  They are enjoying these daily challenges when it is their turn to be scientists for the day.  It’ll be fun to see what they come up with.

In Religion, we will be learning how to pray using our own personal Rosaries.  We will begin making our own Rosary prayer books this week, and begin praying a decade each day. Tomorrow we will begin praying a decade with our buddies, to get our unit started.  Our Living Rosary will validate everything they will be learning.

This week in Homework,  you will see that the students will need to pick their Saint they will be writing about.  In next week’s Homework, you will find an extra packet with instructions on what to do for their Saint Report.  There will be a plastic bag with a paper person in it.  This will be for their Saint project.  The students will have almost 3 weeks to complete it.  If you are in need of materials, please let me know.  I have a bunch!!  This is supposed to be a fun, learning project, not a stressful one.  So start it early and please ask for supplies as needed.  I even have fact sheets on the Saints the kiddos choose.  I am encouraging them to choose a Saint they have not done in the past.  This will help them take ownership in learning about their new Saint.  Be aware, on Saints Day, Friday, Nov. 1st, the students will have to dress like their Saint as well, so start thinking of ways you can help them portray their Saint.  Please don’t buy anything, Pinterest has great ideas for making your own costumes of the different Saints.  Please let me know if there is any way I can help.  Communication is key! 🙂

Finally, I’m looking forward to the Pumpkin Patch Field trip on Tuesday, October 8th.  If you are driving/chaperoning, please contact the office to see what you still need in order to participate.  If for some reason, something comes up and you are unable to drive, please let us know as soon as you are able because we have just enough drivers to cover our class and I will have to tap into other class resources to assist us if we have to.  Also, there are still quite a few children who don’t have permission slips signed.  HERE is the link for those that still need to fill one out.  If we do not get it signed by Tuesday, October 8th, they will not be able to attend.  Thank you for your help!

Again, thank you to everyone who is helping in the classroom, and everyone who has signed up for our Pumpkin Day/Halloween Party celebration.  I couldn’t do it without you all!  I am providing the links again so we can get these last things covered, and any more days unfilled for October.

Pumpkin Day/Halloween Party

October Volunteers

Please keep your eyes open for the next volunteer link for November.  I will send it out by next week.  (Honestly, I can’t believe it’s almost November already!)

Thank you again for everything!


Mrs. Campagna