OCTOBER 15TH, 2024
Hello 2nd grade families!
A lot is happening this week…
Wednesday, October 16th, the School’s Living Rosary is scheduled from 9:30-10:00. This usually takes place in the Church, and children are supposed to wear Mass Uniform. I will keep you posted when I know more.
Thursday, October 17th, is Dollar Denim Day and School Photo Make-Up Day (Mass uniform required…however, kiddos can change after picture.)
Sunday, October 20th at 9:00 is Family Mass. If students attend with their families, they will receive a free dress pass from Mr. Brandt. 🙂
Next week it will be packed with lots of fun activities…
On Tuesday, October 23rd, is Spirit Wear and Pizza Lunch.
Thursday, October 24th is our SMA STEAM Night. This year it is a Halloween Theme. Look for fliers about the upcoming activities in your child’s Friday Folder this week.
Saturday, October 26th, from 4pm-6pm is my Block Party. Please come in costume and a dish to share. It will be A LOT of fun for all! Everyone is welcome!
In NOVEMBER…On Tuesday, November 12th, we will be having another field trip to the Natural History Museum. As you will notice in the November Volunteer Sign ups, I have 5 spots available for chaperones/drivers. Thank you in advance for helping with our kiddos. It will be a fun trip!
On November 14th, there will be multiple opportunities for volunteers to participate in our Thanksgiving/Winn-Dixie celebration day. I plan fun Thanksgiving activities in groups in the morning, and a fun food/movie party right after lunch. The kiddos don’t know it yet, but the movie will be based on the book we’ve been reading in our Book Study time, Because of Winn Dixie. It will be a nice surprise for them. I will need supplies, which I have included a sign up for to prepare accordingly. Thank you for your help! Please sign up for those volunteer opportunities, as well.
Thank you again in advance for your support!
November Volunteers Link (click here)
Thanksgiving/Winn Dixie Party (click here)
Mrs. Campagna