Happy Tuesday!
Remember that next week(Tuesday-Friday) is early dismissal (12:30). Thursday is $1 Denim Day and our Winn Dixie/Thanksgiving Celebration Day. I will inform the kiddos, but if they want to, they can bring in a stuffed doggie. Also, if you have not turned in your items for the party, please do so by Wednesday so I know what I need to get that night for the party. Again, I appreciate all of the help! 🙂
A week from Friday, November 22nd, is our 2nd grade Mass. I have distributed all of the reading parts, which went home on Monday. If your child did not receive one they will be participating in some way during the mass, so please come if you can. Please note, if you are not going to be here on that Friday and you see your child has a part, please let me know ASAP so I can accommodate. Please don’t leave us scrambling at the last minute, unless of course your kiddo becomes sick, then it is completely out of your control. I do have substitutes, but I still would like to be as prepared as possible. We will practice when we can this week and next.
Finally, last Friday, in the Friday folders, I sent home an orange piece of paper that had “Conference Discussion Questions”. If you would like me to discuss anything in particular about your kiddo, please fill those out and get them in before your scheduled conference time. If you don’t remember when your scheduled time is, please email or DOJO me for a reminder. Thank you again!!!
Mrs. Campagna