December 9th, 2024
Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. The next two weeks will be busy in 2nd grade. Please remember if you signed up to bring things in, send them in by Tuesday of next week (December 17th), thank you. If you are scheduled to come in to volunteer, I thank you in advance as I may not get to, because things get rolling pretty quickly and sometimes I’m so busy I miss the opportunity. So, THANK YOU!!! I couldn’t do it without you!!! 🙂 We still need volunteers to help us with our Christmas Around the World Activities. If you have the opportunity to help us at all this week, we could really use it. I’ve included the link again below.
Christmas Activities Week Volunteer Link (December 10th – 19th)
Please remember to send in a Christmas wrapped book. Do not put a name on it because we will be doing a fun “White Elephant” book exchange with them. If for some reason your child does not bring one and does not want to participate, that is fine too. There is no pressure to purchase and participate.
As for the upcoming activities, I thought I’d give you a brief schedule of events:
Monday, December 9th -. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mass uniform is required. We will be attending mass at 10:30. Everyone is welcome. (Parking in the morning will be a challenge.)
Tuesday, December 10th – Thursday, December 12th – Christmas Around the World Activities will take place. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. (See above for link to volunteer)
Friday, December 13th – School Mass at 11:15 (Regular Uniform, no Mass uniform required), then La Posada will take place in the Hall from 1pm-3pm. Please come and celebrate and enjoy traditional food with other SMA families.
Wednesday, December 18th – Polar Express Party. We will be having related activities all morning and then our Polar Express Party right after recess. It will be a lot of fun with the wonder and excitement of the season! As a request from our Principal, Mr. Brandt, please wear Christmas attire (ie: Jeans with seasonal shirt/Blouse), and BRING in Pajamas to change into for the party. Children will be able to wear Pajamas, with all the rest of the school, on the last day of school (December 19th).  Â
Wednesday, December 18th – We will have a 1:00pm practice/performance of the Christmas Pageant for those parents/grandparents who can’t make the 6pm show. Then, we will have the 6pm show in the Church. All children must be here (at the Parish Hall) no later than 5:45pm. When it is time for pick up at the end of the show, I will be with all kiddos in the Parish Hall. Do not leave unless you have let me know, please. This is for safety purposes.
Thursday, December 19th – Pajama Wear Day and White Elephant Book Exchange/Christmas Party. We will be having fun Christmas activities throughout the morning. Remember it is a half day, dismissal at 12:30 and NO CUB CARE afterwards. This is our last day before break. I will also be giving Christmas Break homework…this is completely OPTIONAL and EXTRA CREDIT!  If you would rather your child DID NOT receive this, please let me know now, and I will not give them any. It’s just important to keep them reading and doing Math over the break, because right when we come back we have STAR testing again. Â
Thank you again for everything this first 1/2 of 2nd grade! It’s been so much fun! I can’t wait to see what the New Year brings for all of us!
Blessings and Happy Advent!
Mrs. Campagna