February 24, 2025
Happy Monday!
I am so thrilled that we had a beautiful day on Saturday for our Reconciliation Celebration. I loved seeing the children’s smiles as they left the church that day. I am grateful for everyone who helped me put on this lovely, memorable ceremony. I can’t wait for First Eucharist in May!
We will begin Lent next week, and the children will continue to come home talking about their Lenten journeys. Encourage them to discuss with you what Lent means to them and what their “Lenten Promise” will be for forty days and forty nights. We will discuss this more throughout the rest of Lent, too.
Also, coming up this Wednesday is our field trip to the Zoo. We are in need of a couple more drivers. If you can drive us there and back, that would be greatly appreciated. You don’t need to stay if you can’t, that is ok, I will have enough chaperones. However, we do need at least one more car that can hold 5 more kiddos. Please let me know if you are able as soon as you can, time is running short.
If you have volunteered to drive, please make sure that you’re all checked off in the office and up to date with everything needed to drive. If you require that your kiddo use a car seat, please send them with a ‘booster seat’. That will be much easier to use for drivers and passengers.
The following chaperone/drivers are who I have written down for our field trip to the zoo. If you planned on driving and don’t see your name on my list, please email me and let me know you are interested so I can get that written down on my end.
1. Veronica Kelly (5 kids)
2. Megan Matthews (5 kids)
3. Juliana Anthony (5 kids)
Lastly, I have included in this email the sign up genius for March volunteer opportunities. Thank you in advance for all of your help! These next few months will be busy, busy, busy! 🙂
Hope you all had a relaxing long weekend! Again, if you have any questions, please let me know via email or DOJO.
Mrs. Campagna